US Library Data Sources and Analysis

Robert E. Molyneux


The purpose of this page is to provide links to a variety of sources of data on US libraries. It began as a means to locate difficult-to-find information on the Web site of the US National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) but has expanded beyond that as work on NCES--and other--library data has progressed. The section with these links to NCES's site is Section 1 immediately below. Section 2 includes "Useful Links" to other sources information or data on libraries, including some with analysis of libraries as seen through the data we have on them. Following this group of links is growing Section 3, "Analysis", devoted primarily to analysis of public libraries using the NCES data. Section 4, "Data", has datasets made up of longitudinal data that came from manipulating the various separately published annual compilations from NCES. Section 5 has "Plots and Maps" and at this time are experimental. They were done as tests and the programs that were written to produce them will eventually be used in the analysis of library data.

1. US National Center for Education Statistics Links

The links in this section are to the Web site at the US National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), which collects and publishes statistics on various types of libraries.

1.1. NCES Library Data Publications

The NCES site arranges its material by publication number rather than by library type while the pages linked to here are by type of library, type of publication, and these are in chronological order.

1.2. NCES Sites for Searching

1.3. Other NCES Links

2. Useful Links

These are links to sites with data on libraries and other information agencies.

3. Analysis

This section includes links to analysis done at NCLIS primarily on the NCES data although data from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) is now included.

4. Data

The following links are devoted to various sets of public library data. At this time, all these data originate with NCES data collection efforts.

5. Plots and Maps

These were created as examples to demonstrate several types of charts that can be used to present library data in a different form. The maps, particularly, need work.

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September 18, 2007
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