At a Glance

Amount: $307 million

Signed: Feb. 22, 2006

Compact Implementation
Status Report


Web Sites

The five-year, $307 million MCC compact with Benin aims to increase investment and private sector activity.  

The compact is comprised of four projects:

  • Increasing access to land through more secure and useful land tenure;
  • Expanding access to financial services through grants given to micro, small, and medium enterprises;
  • Providing access to justice by bringing courts closer to rural populations; and
  • Improving access to markets by eliminating physical and procedural constraints currently hindering the flow of goods through the Port of Cotonou.

Engaging Civil Society

Over 100 local civil society organizations participated in electing their own representatives to the Executive Board of the MCA working group that designed Benin 's Compact proposal. This cooperation will continue during implementation through steering committees composed of members of civil society, and other sectors of society, who will advise on the implementation of each Project.

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