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The National Map is the product of a consortium of Federal, State, and local partners
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Criteria for Listing on 'View USGS Maps and Images Online'

Following are the criteria that USGS partners must meet in order to be listed on the "View USGS Maps and Aerial Photo Images Online" site:

  • Business Partner or Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Partner must have a current agreement in good standing with the USGS.

  • Partner web site must provide a Web-based interactive viewer interface to featured USGS product(s) which is accessible, free of charge, to anyone with an industry standard Web browser.

  • Data available for online viewing must represent a substantial proportion of the actual available coverage of the featured USGS dataset(s).

  • Partner web site should prominently feature, at high level and in close relation to the viewer application, either the official USGS trademark or an acknowledgment of the USGS as the data source, with a link back to

  • Partner web site must be well maintained and kept current with respect to the featured USGS product(s).

  • Partner web site must meet basic standards of taste and appropriate content as determined by the USGS.

  • The partner site's copyright restrictions must be acceptable to the USGS - minimally allowing personal and non-commercial uses of USGS data or images displayed and downloaded through the interactive viewer.

The USGS reserves the sole right, based upon its interpretation of these criteria, to determine which partner web sites and viewing applications are suitable for listing and retention on its "View USGS Maps and Aerial Photo Images Online" page. The USGS also reserves the right to change these criteria or to discontinue this service at any time and without prior notice to its partners or to the general public.

If you think your service qualifies, please contact us.