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Environmental Data Tables

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    Sources of Environmental Statistics (Under Construction)

    Environmental Conditions and Trends (Under Construction)

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    Environmental Quality Statistics

    What's New

    May 16, 2000

    The following tables in Section 8. Pollution Prevention have been updated:

      Table 8.6  U.S. Toxics Release Inventory Releases and Transfers, 1988 and 1995-1998

      Table 8.8  U.S. Toxics Release Inventory On-site and Off-site Releases by State, 1988 and 1995-1998

    May 15, 2000

    The following tables have been updated:

    May 10, 2000

    The following tables in Section 11. Global Environment have been updated:

      Table 11.3  Global Production and Atmospheric Release of Chlorofluorocarbons, 1960-1998

      Table 11.4  Global Atmospheric Concentrations of Greenhouse and Ozone-depleting Gases, 1970-1998

      Table 11.5  Global, Hemispheric, and Zonal Surface Temperature Anomalies, 1960-1998

      Table 11.6  Annual Average Global Temperature, 1866-1999

    Online Sources of Environmental Statistics have been updated for the following sections:

    May 9, 2000

    Online Sources of Environmental Statistics have been updated for the following sections:

    May 8, 2000

    Online Sources of Environmental Statistics have been updated for the following sections:

    May 4, 2000

    Online Sources of Environmental Statistics have been updated for the following sections:

    May 3, 2000

    The following tables in Section 5. Air Quality have been updated:

      Table 5.11  Number of Days with Air Quality Index (AQI) Values Greater Than 100 at Trend Sites, 1989-1998

      Table 5.12  Number of People Living in U.S. Counties with Air Quality Concentrations Above the Level of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, 1986-1998

      Table 5.13  U.S. Population Living in Areas Designated as Nonattainment For At Least One of the Criteria Pollutants, 1991-1999

    May 2, 2000

    The following tables in Section 5. Air Quality have been updated:

      Table 5.1  U.S. Emissions of Carbon Monoxide by Source, Ten-Year Intervals, 1940-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.2  U.S. Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides by Source, Ten-Year Intervals, 1940-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.3  U.S. Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds by Source, Ten-Year Intervals, 1940-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.4  U.S. Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide by Source, Ten-Year Intervals, 1940-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.5  U.S. Emissions of Particulate Matter (PM-10) by Source, Ten-Year Intervals, 1940-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.6  U.S. Emissions of Miscellaneous and Natural Particulate Matter (PM-10) by Source, 1989-1998

      Table 5.7  U.S. Emissions of Lead by Source, Five-Year Intervals, 1970-1980, and Annually, 1989-1998

      Table 5.10  U.S. National Composite Mean Ambient Concentrations of Criteria Air Pollutants, 1979-1998

    May 1, 2000

    The following tables in Section 10. Transportation have been updated:

      Table 10.1  U.S. Passenger-Miles of Travel, Five-Year Intervals, 1960-1990, and Annually, 1991-1997

      Table 10.2  U.S. Ton-Miles of Freight, Five-Year Intervals, 1960-1990, and Annually, 1991-1997

    April 25, 2000

    The following tables in Section 8. Pollution Prevention have been updated:

      Table 8.1  U.S. Municipal Solid Waste Trends, 1960-1997

      Table 8.2  U.S. Municipal Solid Waste Trends by Waste Type, 1960-1997

      Table 8.3  U.S. Inventory of Low-level Nuclear Waste, 1965-1996, with Projections to 2000

      Table 8.4  U.S. Inventory of High-level Nuclear Waste, 1980-1996, with Projections to 2000

      Table 8.5  U.S. Inventory of Spent Nuclear Fuel by Reactor Type, 1971-1996, with Projections to 2000

      Table 8.9  U.S. Superfund Inventory, 1980-2000

    April 23, 2000

    The following tables in Section 7. Terrestrial Resources have been updated:

      Table 7.10  U.S. Commercial Pesticide Use by Sector and Type, 1979-1997

      Table 7.12  Condition of U.S. Nonfederal Rangeland, Selected Years, 1963-1992, and Bureau of Land Management Rangeland, Selected Years, 1936-1999

    April 21, 2000

    The following tables in Section 8. Pollution Prevention have been updated:

      Table 8.10a  Contaminant Levels in Herring Gull Eggs from Colonies in Lake Superior, 1974-1999

      Table 8.10b  Contaminant Levels in Herring Gull Eggs from Colonies in Lake Michigan, 1974-1999

      Table 8.10c  Contaminant Levels in Herring Gull Eggs from Colonies in Lake Huron, 1974-1999

      Table 8.10d  Contaminant Levels in Herring Gull Eggs from Colonies in Lake Erie, 1974-1999

      Table 8.10e  Contaminant Levels in Herring Gull Eggs from Colonies in Lake Ontario, 1974-1999

    April 20, 2000

    The following tables have been updated:

    April 18, 2000

    The following tables in Section 4. Ecosystems and Biodiversity have been updated:

      Table 4.4a  Status of Marine Mammal Stocks in the Pacific Region and Hawaii, 1995-97

      Table 4.4b  Status of Marine Mammal Stocks in the Atlantic Region and Gulf of Mexico, 1995-97

      Table 4.6  Status of Sea Turtle Stocks in U.S. Waters, 1998

      Table 4.7  U.S. Threatened and Endangered Species, 1980-2000

    April 16, 2000

    The following tables in Section 4. Ecosystems and Biodiversity have been updated:

      Table 4.1  Trends in Selected U.S. Resident and Neotropical Migrant Bird Species, 1966-1999, 1966-1979, and 1980-1999

      Table 4.2  North American Duck Population Estimates, 1955-1999

      Table 4.3  North American Goose and Swan Population Estimates, 1969-1999

    April 15, 2000

    The following tables in Section 2. Economy and Environment have been updated:

      Table 2.1  U.S. Gross Domestic Product, 1959-1999

      Table 2.2  U.S. Federal Government Expenditures on Natural Resources and Environment (in Constant 1996 Dollars), 1962-1999

      Table 2.3  State and Local Government Expenditures on Natural Resources and Environment (in Constant 1996 Dollars), 1965-1996

    The following tables in Section 3. Public Lands and Recreation have been updated:

      Table 3.1  Lands Under the Control of Selected Federal Agencies, 1970-1999

      Table 3.2  National Wilderness Preservation System and National Wild and Scenic River System, 1968-1999

      Table 3.3  National Estuarine Research Reserves and National Marine Sanctuaries, 1975-1999

      Table 3.4  National Register of Historic Places, 1967-1998

      Table 3.6  U.S. Marine Recreational Fishing by Region, 1981-1998

      Table 3.7  Visits to Selected U.S. Federal Recreational Areas, 1977-1999

    January 17, 2000

    All of the tables in Section 1. Population have been updated.

    January 7, 2000

    The following tables in Section 7. Terrestrial Resources have been updated:

      Table 7.6  Erosion on U.S. Nonfederal Agricultural Land, 1982-1997

      Table 7.13  Timberland in the United States by Ownership, 1953-1997

      Table 7.14  Annual Net Growth and Removals of U.S. Growing Stock, 1952-1996, and Volume of U.S. Growing Stock, 1953-1997

      Table 7.17  U.S. Wildland Fire Damage and Tree Planting, Ten-Year Intervals, 1930-1950, and Annually, 1951-1999

    January 4, 2000

    The following tables in Section 8. Pollution Prevention have been updated:

      Table 8.6  U.S. Toxics Release Inventory Releases and Transfers, 1988 and 1995-1997

      Table 8.7  U.S. Toxics Release Inventory On-site and Off-site Releases by Industry, 1988 and 1995-1997

      Table 8.8  U.S. Toxics Release Inventory On-site and Off-site Releases by State, 1988 and 1995-1997

    January 3, 2000

    The following table in Section 8. Pollution Prevention has been updated:

      Table 8.11  Pesticide Residues in U.S. Domestic Surveillance Food Samples by Commodity Group, 1978-1998

    Table 8.12  U.S. Production of Selected Ozone-depleting Chemicals, 1958-1994 has been moved to the Archive because it is no longer updated.

    The following tables in Section 10. Transportation have been updated:

      Table 10.3  Average Annual U.S. Vehicle-Miles of Travel and Average Miles Traveled per Gallon of Fuel Consumed per Vehicle, 1960-1998

      Table 10.4  U.S. Personal Travel per Household, Driver, and Mode, 1969, 1977, 1983, 1990, and 1995

      Table 10.6  Congestion on U.S. Urban Interstate Highways, Selected Years, 1975-1998

    January 2, 2000

    All of the tables in Section 9. Energy have been updated.

    January 1, 2000

    The following tables in Section 7. Terrestrial Resources have been updated:

      Table 7.1  Land Use and Ownership in the United States, 1900-1997

      Table 7.5  Cropland Tillage Practices Used in the Production of U.S. Field Crops, 1989-1998

      Table 7.12  Condition of U.S. Nonfederal Rangeland, Selected Years, 1963-1992, and Bureau of Land Management Rangeland, Selected Years, 1936-1998

      Table 7.15  U.S. Production of Timber Products by Major Product, 1965-1997 (Note: Entire series for industrial roundwood use has been revised.)

    December 28, 1999

    The following tables in Section 6. Aquatic Resources have been updated:

      Table 6.3  U.S. Water Use by Source and End-use Sector, 1900-1995

      Table 6.8   Oil Polluting Incidents Reported In and Around U.S. Waters, 1970-1998

      Table 6.10  Status of Stock Levels of U.S. Fisheries, 1995-1997

    The following tables in Section 6. Aquatic Resources are new:

      Table 6.5  U.S. Oceans, Bay, and Great Lakes Beach Closings and Advisories, 1988-1998. It replaces former Table 6.5 (Trends in U.S. Stream Water Quality, 1980-1989) which is no longer updated.

      Table 6.7  National Listing of Fish Consumption Advisories Issued for Various Pollutants, 1993-1998. It replaces former Table 6.7 (Estimated Phosphorus Loadings to the Great Lakes, 1976-1991) which is no longer updated.