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      WERB Your Paper
Submit your paper (Manuscript Review and Approval Form, NIST 114) to the NIST Publications Database

Contact:  WERB Secretariat x3570

NIST Technical Publishing Guide 

Manuscript Review Tools

Technical information produced at NIST must undergo thorough review before it's published. This process begins with a review checklist by the author and continues through an agency-level review by the Washington Editorial Review Board (WERB), the Boulder Editorial Review Board (BERB), or the JILA Editorial Review Board (JERB).

WERBiage Articles ...from the Washington Editorial Review Board
• Have You Been WERBed?
• What is a Noting?
• Why Does WERBing Take So Long?
• Policy Issues: The Big Three
• Disclaimers and Trademarks
• SI Units
• Uncertainties
• What is the Role of the Sponsor
• What is the Role of the Reader
• Published Without Approval 
• 3 Main Publishing Policies
• 4 Steps to WERB-Approved Paper

Flow Chart-Manuscript Process (.gif)

• How to get your paper reviewed through WERB, BERB, or JERB
• Washington Editorial Review Board (WERB) Members 
• Boulder Editorial Review Board (BERB) Members 
• Review checklist for WERB readers and sponsors 
• Review checklist for authors and division-level sponsors

For more information about your printing project, e-mail the Print Specialist, or call 301-975-2780

Printing Services

Print Process

All official publications (as defined by NIST Administrative Manual Chapter 4) must be approved by either the WERB/BERB process (contact Laurie Davis-Covin, x8027) or through Public & Business Affairs (contact Sharon Shaffer, x2768).

Once approved, bring Interdivision Work Order (Form 461), CD-ROM or disk, hard copy and Form 952 (Desktop Publishing - Disk Information) to Ilse Putman, Admin. 101, Rm. E220, x2780.

• Costs, including FedEx and/or courier charges will be charged to the division. Provide Bank Card and cost center information.

• Costs can be lowered by submitting copy in camera ready form. Electronic files can be printed easily if they are in common desktop publishing formats such as Quark Xpress or Pagemaker.

• ISD will receive end printer proofs and immediately forward to customer.

• Customer reviews, approves proofs, makes any needed changes and returns to ISD.

• ISD returns proofs with approval slip to end printer.

• Shipping and Receiving will deliver print job to only one location on the NIST campus.

• Print jobs that must be sent to multiple locations can be shipped by the printer if customer provides FedEx number or Bank Card information.

For NISTIRs, other Docutech photocopying and color photocopying, contact Printing and Duplicating,

Types of Print Jobs Accepted

 Formal series technical publications
• Flyers, pamphlets, brochures, and posters
• Hard- and soft-cover books, loose-leaf documents, newsletters
• Full-color promotional and technical materials
• Plastic cards and rulers, pocket folders, inserts, bookmarks, newsletters, stationary, maps, postcards, pocket cards, certificates.

Printing Techniques Offered 

• Various trim sizes
• One or multiple colors
• Various paper weights
• With separate covers
• Over 12 pages
• Totaling more than 200 copies


 Job turn around times vary. More complicated projects will take longer.
• If your job falls within contract criteria, print cost estimates can be given based on existing contracts.
• Open bid jobs receive bid prices before awarding to contractors.
• Most print jobs will be sent to Shipping and Receiving unless otherwise noted.
• Shipping and Receiving will deliver to one destination on the NIST campus.
• Other arrangements can be made for jobs requiring multiple drops.

In-House Typesetting and Composition

Consult with Ilse Putman on in-house typesetting and composition. Call Ilse at x2780 or e-mail at ilse.putman@nist.gov.

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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Services  •  Information Services Division


Last modified: Aug 12, 2008