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ISD Information and History Speaker Series

speaker presentations

The Information Services Division speaker series demonstrates the influence of information science and NIST history on the agency and on American society. Renowned speakers, from both within and outside of NIST, are invited to share their perspectives and shed light on the impact of historical NIST achievements, current information dissemination trends, and future problems facing the information and publishing industries.

"ISD specializes in creating, developing, and managing products related to both information science and NIST's history. The events and discussions that make up this series are geared toward what our customers want to know," says Director of ISD Mary-Deirdre Coraggio.

Scheduled Events:

The one-hour presentations are held in lecture rooms on the Gaithersburg campus. They are recorded and archived in the NIST Research Library. Certain events will also be Web-cast.

ISD invites all NIST staff to attend. Space is limited in the lecture rooms, so arrive early and get a good seat.

To find out more about recent or upcoming speaking engagements, keep in contact with ISD's monthly newsletterThis item is a PDF file or TCal .

This item is a PDF file; in order to read the file you must have Adobe Reader on your computer Download a free copy of Adobe Reader from the Adobe Acrobat site. For assistance contact Laurie Davis-Covin at x8027 or e-mail at laurie.davis-covin@nist.gov

Speaker Presentations



Captioned video presentation of Philip Hannah presentation (If you don't already have a video player, download a copy of RealOne Player here. For assistance, contact Laurie Davis-Covin at x8027 or e-mail at laurie.davis-covin@nist.gov .



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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Services  •  Information Services Division


Last modified: Nov 28, 2003