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Healthy People Home > Healthy People 2020 > Secretary's Advisory Committee > First Meeting Minutes > Appendix F

Healthy People 2020 logo First Meeting: January 31-February 1, 2008

Appendix F

List of Subcommittees for the Secretary's Advisory Committee

Dr. Fielding stated that the Subcommittees would be charged with providing directional advice and develop recommendations for the Committee's consideration. Prior to the next in-person meeting, Subcommittees will be asked to provide Committee members with short, written reports and orally present their recommendations to the Committee at the subsequent Committee meetings. The Subcommittee reports will help to inform the next meeting, and to set the next meeting's agenda.

Subcommittee on User questions and Needs

Develop a list of key questions that primary target audiences are likely to expect Healthy People to help them to answer. Determine which of these expectations are realistic, and how they can be arrayed by user group.

  • Potential members: Doug Evans, Everold Hosein, Eva Moya, Ron Manderscheid, David Siegel

Subcommittee on Developmental Stages, Life Stages, and Health Outcomes

(No charge specified—relates to Goal #4: "Promote healthy development and healthy behaviors across every life stage.")

  • Potential members: Pat Remington, Doug Evans, Everold Hosein, and Vincent Felitti

Subcommittee on Environment/ Determinants

Determine how to communicate about the underlying social, economic, physical and cultural environment.

  • Potential members: Lisa Iezonni, Vincent Felitti, Adewale Troutman, Eva Moya, Abby King

Subcommittee on Health Equity and Disparities

Think conceptually about how to move forward on the issues of health equity and health disparities. What are the steps in creating public recognition of concepts such as health equity/ health parity to catalyze action through the 2020 objectives?

  • Potential members: Shiriki Kumanyika, Adewale Troutman, Ron Manderscheid

Subcommittee on Priorities

How should priorities be set? What objective and subjective criteria should be used in selecting opportunities for interventions — (e.g., overall burden, attributable burden, effect size of interventions, whether the interventions work alone or in combination, and level of community support)?

  • Potential members: Vincent Felitti, Shiriki Kumanyika, Pat Remington, Jonathan Fielding, David Meltzer

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Last revised: July 9, 2008