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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 12, 2008 SB-08-18


The National Transportation Safety Board today announced the launch of its Real Simple Syndication (RSS) interface for its Website: www.ntsb.gov. RSS is a technology that allows Web publishers, such as the NTSB, to identify and collect specially marked Web content (known as RSS feeds), and to make that content available to any subscriber without requiring the manual monitoring of the publisher's Website to view it.

Currently the NTSB distributes its news releases, safety recommendations, and employment opportunities at the Board through the Board's automated electronic email list manager. The new NTSB RSS feeds mirror this content using direct links to RSS-enabled Websites, rather than email.

In order to access the NTSB's RSS feeds, interested subscribers must first select and set up an RSS reader, or news aggregator, which is special Web-based or desktop software that aggregates syndicated Web content. The reader can be downloaded onto a computer or be hosted on an RSS- enabled browser with a built-in aggregator.  After selecting an RSS reader, the subscriber then selects the NTSB RSS feeds of his or her choice. The subscriber's RSS reader will regularly check the RSS-enabled Web pages for new and updated content and retrieve the data for the subscriber.

More information about RSS technology, news aggregators, and instructions about how to subscribe to an NTSB RSS feed may be found here: http://www.ntsb.gov/RSS/rss.htm.


NTSB Media Contact: Bridget Ann Serchak

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