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AGA serves government accountability professionals by providing quality education, fostering professional development and certification, and supporting standards and research to advance government accountability.


Top News

Today on the AGA Web Blog: Digital Preservation Robert Horton, director of the Library, Publications and Collections Division, Minnesota Historical Society. Read more.

Politicians, FEMA Blame Each Other for Ike Relief Missteps —Carolyn Feibel and Bradley Olson, Houston Chronicle. Read more.

Sweet Dreams in Hard Times Add to State Lottery Sales —Katie Zezima, The New York Times. Read more.

AGA Seeks IT Intern—The Association of Government Accountants (AGA), the thought leader for government financial management, seeks an IT Intern who can help attract a younger generation through different electronic avenues like Facebook, YouTube, and other social networking sites. Learn more.

Register Now for An AGA Audio Conference!
- Oct. 15: Results of AGA's Research on Performance Based Management Reporting
- View the 2008-2009 Audio Conference Schedule.

Financial Management Standards Board (FMSB) Issues Comment Letter
On September 5, the FMSB issued a comment letter on GAO’s revisions to its Federal System Controls Audit Manual. The FMSB found the updated document to be comprehensive and very current and therefore useful to IT auditors. Read the letter.

AGA's Citizen-Centric Government Reporting InitiativeThis initiative encourages governments to produce and publish an annual ‘state of the government’ report that is no more than four pages long. Learn more.


Attention Government Employers! AGA’s NEW Group Membership Can Lead to Significant Cost Savings on Your Staff’s Training and Development! Click here to learn more.

Searching for a New Credit Card?
Apply now for the new MBNA AGA
Platinum Plus MasterCard Credit Card.
Click here to learn more.


Current News

Registration Now Open for the Second Annual AGA Government Finance Case Challenge for College Students—Student teams will collaboratively analyze and offer a written response to a case centered on how a U.S. city government implements a performance management system. The registration deadline is Oct. 3, 2008. This is a free online competition open to all college undergraduate students. Learn more.

2008 CEAR Guidelines Now Available—The Certificate of Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR) guidelines for 2008 (including the Pilot Program) are now available. View the information.

AGA Annual CFO Survey - Financial Management: Providing a Foundation for Transition:  In 2008, 239 federal financial management executives and managers took part in the 12th annual chief financial officer (CFO) survey sponsored by AGA and conducted by Grant Thornton LLP. Survey respondents are proud of the financial management and internal control successes of the past 7 years. However, they say that the government must head in a new direction to achieve even greater gains. Future improvements need to focus on how the CFO can add value to missions and programs, not just comply with regulations. Read the report.

AGA Publishes Its 2008 Member Centric Report
AGA is proud to distribute its 2008 Citizen-Centric Report to our Members. We hope you find this succinct, four-page report on the
progress of our Association over the past year to be informative. It remains a work-in-progress, and we invite your feedback so our future  reports will be even more useful to our members and other stakeholders. AGA is promoting the use of similar four-page
Citizen-Centric Reports by entities at all levels of government. Read the AGA Member Centric Report. Contact Susan Fritzlen with feedback.



Association of Government Accountants   2208 Mount Vernon Avenue   Alexandria, VA 22301   PH 703.684.6931   TF 800.AGA.7211   FX 703.548.9367