Langley DAAC Version Number: LD_008_024_001_00_00_0_19990615 PRABHAKARA SMMR ATMOSPHERIC LIQUID WATER DATA SET 1.0 Introduction This README file contains information on the structure of the Prabhakara Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) atmospheric liquid water data, sample software to read the data files, and pertinent scientific references. The Prabhakara SMMR Atmospheric Liquid Water files were generated by Dr. Prabhakara Cuddapah at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) using the SMMR Antenna Temperatures. A discussion of the SMMR Antenna Temperatures is available from the Langley Research Center Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) User Services Office at 804-864-8656 or e-mail at Each Atmospheric Liquid Water file contains one month of 3 degree by 5 degree gridded mean liquid water. The data spans the period from February 1979 to May 1984. For a discussion of the data, see the scientific references in section 4.0. 2.0 Monthly Atmospheric Liquid Water File Structure Each data file contains 1 header record and integer values in a 72 x 32 element array (see Table 1). Each element represents a gridded mean for a 3 x 5 degree grid, beginning at 48N,180W and progressing to 48S,180E. EXAMPLES: Element (1,1) corresponds to the mean for the grid defined as 45-48N, 175-180W. Element (32,72) corresponds to the mean for the grid defined as 45-48S, 175-180E. Table 1. 180E 180W 48N-------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- 72 grids ---------- | | | | | 32 grids | | | | | | | 48S-------------------------------------------------------------- Each element of data is in units of mg/cm2. Since the data are only computed over ocean, a value of 999.9 represents a land grid. 3.0 Sample Software The following sample software to read the data is provided by Dr. Prabhakara Cuddapah. C C SAMPLE PROGRAM TO READ AND WRITE HEADER RECORD C AND LIQUID WATER DATA FOR ONE FILE FROM TAPE C INTEGER LIQ(32,72), HDR(20) C READ(10,1000)(HDR(K),K=1,20) 1000 FORMAT(20A4) WRITE(6,1000)(HDR(KK),KK=1,20) C DO 10 I=1,32 READ(10,1100)(LIQ(I,J),J=1,72) WRITE(6,1100)(LIQ(I,JJ),JJ=1,72) 1100 FORMAT(72I4) 10 CONTINUE C STOP END 4.0 Scientific References Prabhakara, C., G. Dalu, J. J., Nucciarone, and G. L. Liberti, 1992: Rainfall over Oceans: Remote Sensing from Satellite Microwave Radiometers. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 47, 177-192. Prabhakara, C., D. A. Short, W. Wiscombe, and R. S. Fraser, 1986: Rainfall over Oceans Inferred from Nimbus 7 SMMR: Application to 1982-83 El Nino. J. Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 1464-1474.