The Diversity and Literacy Discussion List

Welcome to the Diversity and Literacy Discussion List, a service of the National Institute for Literacy, in partnership with the Coalition for the Study for Adult Literacy at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. This list is moderated by Daphne Greenberg.

The purpose of this list is to provide an on-going professional development forum for adult literacy education practitioners, advocates, researchers, learners, policy makers, and all other persons who are interested in exploring the linkages between diversity and literacy.

Examples of topics include: the relationships among Diversity and Literacy in the United States and in other countries; health as it pertains to women and the poor; the dynamics within and among diverse groups and the misunderstandings that can occur in the teaching/learning process; sexual and gender orientation issues and how they impact learners and teachers; religious differences and adult literacy classrooms; body image and the impact it has on adult learners; the role of women's literacy in family literacy programs, and the assumptions about race and poverty often made in these programs; domestic violence and its intersection with poverty, race, and literacy; physically and mentally challenged adult literacy learners; the level of women's literacy and its ties to economics and welfare of families; access to literacy in different cultures based on gender, racial, and economic status; connection between women's literacy, race, poverty and public policy; and identification of supportive communication networks.

The Diversity List is open to everyone working with or interested in diversity and adult literacy.

Daphne Greenberg can be reached at