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Home > Teachers > Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans

Explore these lesson plans and websites to find a wealth of information for your students!

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Adobe Acrobat Reader. for High School Students   For grades 9-12

Contains: Objectives, procedures, answers, evaluation and student worksheets
Students require: Computer access to

  • Students improve Internet search skills.
  • Students solve problems while using government information in daily life situations.

Consumer Action Handbook Scavenger Hunt For grades 6-8

Contains: Objectives, procedures, answers, evaluation and student worksheets
Students require: Computer access to and or copies of the Consumer Action Handbook
  • Takes 1 to 2 class periods
  • Gives students tools for safer online shopping, protecting their privacy, buying from door-to-door sales and more.

The Car Chase Scene For grades 11-12

Contains: Objectives, procedures, answers, evaluation and student worksheets
Students require: Computer access to, a telephone and a local phone book
  • Takes 1 to 2 class periods
  • Students research “buying a car” using and other government sites.

Satisfaction Please!   For grades 8-12

Contains: Student worksheets and self-evaluation list
Students require: Computer access to and other online resources.

  • Takes 3 to 4 class periods for each of 3 different exercises.
  • Exercises help students solve consumer complaints using increasingly complex research, analysis, and writing skills.
    • Part 1 -- Writing a complaint letter: 8th grade SOL Writing Test
    • Part 2 -- Identifying private resources to solve a dispute
    • Part 3 -- Creating a plan to fight an illegal business
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