Previous Results

These are the results from the previous version on the "plasma" benchmark that used to reside at That version updated a 64x64 array that was scaled to 192x192 for display where the current one updates a 160x120 array scaled to 320x240. The current version also removes a 10ms per frame delay that limited the theoretical maximum frame rate to 100 fps. Because of these differences, the frame rates shown here are not directly comparable with results from the current version.

FPS System Viewer
99.7 PentiumPro/233, WinNT Microsoft Java SDK 2.0
96.8 Pentium II/266, WinNT MSIE 4.0
92.1 PentiumPro/200, WinNT MSIE 4.0
85.2 PentiumPro/233, WinNT Netscape 4.0 PR3
80.2 PentiumPro/233, WinNT MSIE 3.02
80.0 PentiumPro/200, WinNT Netscape 4.03
75.2 Pentium II/233, Win95 Netscape 4.04
75.2 AMD K6/200, Win95 Netscape 4.02
70.5 Pentium II/266, Win95 Netscape 4.02
70.5 PentiumPro/200, Win95 Netscape 4.01
65.8 AMD K6/200, Win95 Netscape 4.01
63.9 PentiumPro/200x4, WinNT MSIE 3.01
61.2 SGI R10k/174, IRIX 6.3 JDK 3.0 Appletviewer
58.1 PentiumPro/200, WinNT MSIE 3.0
54.2 PentiumPro/150x2, WinNT MSIE 3.0
52.4 PentiumPro/180, WinNT MSIE 3.0
50.8 PentiumPro/200, WinNT Netscape 4.0 PR2
50.4 PentiumMMX/200, WinNT Netscape 4.03
50.3 Pentium/200, Win95 Netscape 4.04
50.1 PentiumPro/200, WinNT MSIE 3.0b2
49.3 PentiumPro/180, WinNT MSIE 3.0
48.8 PentiumMMX/200, WinNT MSIE 4.0
44.0 Sun Ultra/143 Hot Java+JITc
42.5 PentiumPro/200, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
38.8 Pentium II/300, Win95 MSIE 4.0
38.6 Cyrix/P166+, WinNT MSIE 3.0
38.0 Pentium/166, WinNT MSIE 3.02
36.4 Pentium II/266, Win95 MSIE 4.0
33.6 Cyrix/P166+, Win95 MSIE 4.0
33.2 AMD K6/200, Win95 Netscape 4.0
33.2 Pentium/133, Linux Netscape 3.01 Gold ELF
31.8 PentiumPro/200, OS/2 Netscape 2 2.02GA
31.0 Pentium/133, WinNT MSIE 3.0b2
30.1 Alpha/500, DEC UNIX Netscape 3.0
29.9 Pentium/166, Win95 JDK 1.1
29.5 Cyrix/P166+, OS/2 Netscape/2 2.02 GA
26.4 Cyrix/P120+, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
24.2 Pentium/166, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
24.0 PentiumPro/200, WinNT MSIE 3.0b2
23.7 Pentium/133, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
23.0 486DX4/100, WinNT Netscape 3.0 Gold
22.9 Pentium/100, Win95 MSIE 4.0
21.8 Pentium/100, Win95 Netscape 4.04
21.3 PPC604/120, MacOS Roaster DR 2.1
21.1 PPC "G3"/266, MacOS MRJ 2.0
20.9 PPC604/120, MacOS MSIE 3.0
20.1 Pentium/120, Win95 MSIE 4.0
18.1 Pentium/133, Win95 MSIE 3.0
17.5 Pentium/120, Win95 MSIE 3.0
17.0 Pentium/90, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
16.0 PPC604e/225, MacOS MSIE 3.01 (MS JIT VM)
14.4 PPC601/100, MacOS MSIE 3.0
14.4 Pentium/90, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
14.0 PPC601/100, MacOS Metrowerks CW10
13.9 PPC604/150, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5
13.8 Pentium/100, Win95 MSIE 4.01
13.2 PPC604/150, MacOS Cyberdog 1.1b3
12.8 PentiumPro/200, Linux Netscape 3.0
12.7 Sun Ultra/170 Netscape 3.0b5
11.9 PPC604/120, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5
11.6 PentiumPro/180, WinNT Netscape 3.0
10.1 PPC601/100, MacOS Metrowerks CW10 Java
9.7 Pentium/150, Linux JDK 1.0 Appletviewer
9.6 PPC604/120, MacOS Netscape 3.0
9.4 Pentium/166, Linux Netscape 3.0
9.1 DEC Alpha/233 DecUNIX Netscape 3.0b5
8.8 Pentium/150, Linux Netscape 3.0
8.5 PPC601/100, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5
8.4 Pentium/150, WinNT Netscape 3.0
7.5 Pentium/120, Linux Netscape V3.0b4
7.3 PPC601/100, MacOS JDK 1.02 Appletviewer
7.1 Pentium/166, Win95 Netscape 3.0
6.6 486/66, Win95 Netscape 4.04
6.6 Cyrix120+, Win95 Netscape 3.0 Gold
6.6 PPC601/80, MacOS Netscape 3.0b8 Gold
6.5 PPC604/120, MacOS Netscape 3.0
5.7 PPC601/66, MacOS Netscape 3.0
5.6 Sun Sparc 20 HotJava 1.0b1
5.4 486/66, Win95 MSIE 3.0b2
5.3 PPC601/80, MacOS Roaster
5.2 Pentium/120, Win95 Netscape 3.0
5.1 PPC601/66, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5
4.9 Pentium/166, Win95 Netscape 2.01
4.8 AMD5x86/133, OS/2 WebExplorer beta
4.7 SparcStation 5/110 Netscape 3.0b5
4.3 Pentium/133, WinNT Netscape 3.0b5
4.2 HP 712/80, HPUX Netscape 3.0
4.2 Pentium/90, Linux Netscape V3.0b5
4.0 PPC603/100, MacOS Netscape 3.0b6
4.0 Pentium/100, Win95 Netscape 3.0b5
3.8 Sun Sparc 20 Netscape 3.0
3.8 Pentium/133, Win95 Netscape 3.0b5
3.7 SparcStation 10, SunOS Netscape 3.0b6
3.7 Pentium/100, Win95 Netscape 3.0b5
3.5 SparcStation 5/85 Netscape 3.0
2.7 SparcStation 10, SunOS Netscape 3.0b5
1.7 486/66, Win95 Netscape 3.0b5
1.4 PPC601/60, MacOS Netscape 3.01
1.0 486/120, Win95 Netscape 3.0b7
0.5 68040/40, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5
0.4 486/50, Win 3.1 IE 3.02
0.1 68030/25, MacOS Netscape 3.0b5