Clint Muhlfeld

Aquatic Ecologist
West Glacier


Glacier Field Station
Glacier National Park
West Glacier, MT 59936

Phone 1 406-888-7926
Fax 1 406-888-7923

Ph.D. Candidate Fish and Wildlife Management. Montana State University, Bozeman. Dissertation: The role of demographic, genetic, and environmental factors influencing the spread of hybridization between native westslope cutthroat trout and non-native rainbow trout

M.S. Fisheries Resources. 1999. University of Idaho, Moscow.

B.S. Aquatic Biology. 1994. University of Montana, Missoula & University of Maine


  • Nonnative aquatic species invasions
  • Fish habitat relationships
  • Life history and movement of native fishes
  • Demographic and stochastic population modeling
  • Watershed and stream habitat restoration
  • Impacts of hydroelectric dams on aquatic ecosystems
  • Bioenergetics modeling of aquatic systems

Research Interest:

  • Rainbow trout invasion and the spread of hybridization with westslope cutthroat trout.
  • Risk based viable population modeling of bull trout.
  • Instream Flow Investigations: Influence of winter and summer flow augmentation and ramping rates on native salmonids downriver of Hungry Horse and Libby Dams.
  • Non-native lake trout invasion and impacts on native salmonids in the western United States.
  • Using geochemical analysis of fish scales and otoliths to understand natal origin and life history of salmonids.
  • Research and monitoring of aquatic biota associated with proposed gas and oil development in the upper Flathead River, Canada.
  • Genetic structure and paternity analysis of salmonids.
  • Using bioenergetics modeling and stable isotope analysis to investigate community interactions.
  • Suppression of introduced rainbow and hybrid trout in the upper Flathead River system.
  • Stream habitat and watershed restoration in the upper Flathead River system.
  • The potential influence of changing climate on the persistence of native salmonids "at risk".