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General Search Information

There are three basic search methods for finding documents on the LSN site:

  • Accession Number Search (LSN or Participant):
    Enter a known identifying number to locate a single document.

  • Document Content Search:
    Enter a word or group of words to locate all documents containing the specified terms.

  • Advanced Search:
    Performs a simple or a complex search on the user-defined criteria in one or more data or text fields.

Search Tips

The numbers of search hits vary depending on the search criteria specified.   Fewer search criteria generally produce more documents; and, more search criteria generally produce fewer documents, but are more relevant to the search specifications.

Unless you are certain that the information you enter exactly matches the information in the document body or data fields, it is more effective to start by using a few data query fields.  Begin with a broad approach.   By conducting multiple searches with different criteria, you learn which combinations produce the best results, and you can begin to focus your search.   Another technique for document information searches is to cut and paste a sentence or more to the current search box-the LSN search capability goes beyond word matching. The search function performs concept matching which takes into account the context in which terms appear.  This eliminates false hits while catching documents that may not contain the specific term, but does include the concept.  The search software employs state-of-the-art pattern-matching technology to determine the characteristics that give the text meaning.  This contextual analysis and concept extraction improves the efficiency of information retrieval and returns the best possible results.