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Searching by Accession Number

Searching by Accession Number screen

Searching by accession number is a quick way to find a document if you have the accession number, and it exists in the LSN database. Accession numbers are obtained from reference lists and are found in other documents. There are two accession numbers:

  • The LSN accession number is assigned by the LSN system and is unique across all the document collections; and
  • The Participant Accession number can be, but is not necessarily, a unique number.

Two or more sites may use the same participant accession numbering scheme, and your search results may return two documents that have the same Participant Accession number. To do the search, enter the number in one of the two accession number fields: LSN or Participant. The number must be entered exactly as it is presented in the source. Every character must match the original number for the search to be successful.

After entering the accession number, click the Search button; and the single matching document is returned.