Unsubscribe from Updates
Unsubscribe from any of GAO's subscription updates with an e-mail message. Here's how:
- Send a message to listserv@listserv.gao.gov.
- Type:
unsubscribe [Update Name] in the body.
See the table below for the Update Name you need.
Example: To unsubscribe from the Agriculture and Food update:
Message: unsubscribe agriculture-s
If you encounter any problems, e-mail contact@gao.gov,
and we'll take care of it.
E-mail Update Title |
Update Name |
Today's Reports and Testimony |
daybook |
Comptroller General Decisions |
decisions |
Month in Review |
review-m |
Agriculture and Food |
agriculture-s |
Budget and Spending |
budgetspend-s |
Business, Industry, and Consumers |
busicon-s |
Civil Rights |
civilrights-s |
Economic Development |
econdev-s |
Education |
education-s |
Employment |
employment-s |
Energy |
energy-s |
Environmental Protection |
envprot-s |
Financial Institutions |
fininst-s |
Financial Management |
finmgmt-s |
Government Operations |
govops-s |
Health |
health-s |
Homeland Security |
homelandsec-s |
Housing |
housing-s |
Income Security |
incomesec-s |
Information Management |
infomgmt-s |
International Affairs |
intaffairs-s |
Justice and Law Enforcement |
justicelaw-s |
National Defense |
natldef-s |
Natural Resources |
natresources-s |
Science, Space and Technology |
scitech-s |
Social Services |
socserv-s |
Special Publications |
specpub-s |
Tax Policy and Administration |
taxpolicy-s |
Transportation |
transportation-s |
Veterans Affairs |
vetaffairs-s |
Subscribe by e-mail
The easiest way to subscribe to get e-mail updates is with our {on-line form}. But, you can subscribe directly by e-mail, too. Here's how:
- Send a message to listserv@listserv.gao.gov.
- Type:
subscribe [Update Name] in the body.
See the table above for the Update Name you need.
Example: To subscribe to the Veterans Affairs update:
Message: subscribe vetaffairs-s