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MISR Data and Information: Tools for working with MISR data products

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Tool Description Data Products
Data Format
Software Language
Orbit/Date Conversion Interactive interface for converting dates to MISR Orbit number and Orbit numbers to dates N/A N/A N/A
Lat/Lon to Path/Block Conversion Interactive interface for obtaining MISR paths based on latitude and longitude L1, L2 N/A N/A
MISR Browse Tool Easy access to ellipsoid projected true-color images for each camera reduced to 2.2 km resolution Browse N/A N/A
MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX) Interactive application for visualizing Level 1B2 data and for retrieving plume heights and wind velocities from wildfire smoke, volcanic and dust plumes L1B2, GP_GMP and AGP required; TC_CLASSIFIERS and AS_AEROSOL recommended Stacked-block IDL, C
MISR Toolkit Simplified programming interface for Level 1B2, Level 2, and Ancillary products L1B2, L2, Ancillary Stacked-block, Conventional Various
misr_view Visualizes MISR TOA radiances, aerosol, surface, and cloud data products L1B2, L2 Stacked-block IDL, IDLVM
IDL Utilities

Routines for extracting data and metadata from Level 1B2, Level 2, and Level 3 products

L1B2, L2, L3 Stacked-block, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) IDL
ENVI Tool Geolocates and visualizes MISR TOA radiance, Terrain and Ellipsoid projected products and the Level 2 Land BRF parameter L1B2, L2 (BRF only) Stacked-block ENVI
ENVI SOM Instructions Instructions for setting Space Oblique Mercator map information in ENVI version 4.0 L1B2, L2 Conventional ENVI
misr_time Calculates the block center times for MISR Level 1B2 files L1B2 Stacked-block IDL, IDLVM
hdfscan Visualize and explore MISR data products L1B2, L2, L3 Stacked-block, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) Multiple
HDFView2.3 and HDF-EOS plug-in Tool for browsing and editing NCSA HDF4 and HDF5 files L1B2, L2, L3 Stacked-block, Conventional, HDF-EOS Grid (L3 only) Various
Conversion to ASCII Routines to write parameters from MISR Level 1B2 or AGP data files to a set of ASCII formatted files L1B2, AGP Stacked-block IDL, IDLVM
MISR HDF-to-Binary Converter HDFDUMP extracts data from a HDF-EOS grid format file (Level 1B2 and Level 2 files) and writes unformatted binary files L1B2, L2 Stacked-block FORTRAN 90
Radiance/BRF Calculation Tools BRFDUMP calculates radiances and bidirectional reflectance factors (BRF) from Level 1B2 files and creates unformatted binary files L1B2 Stacked-block FORTRAN 90
HDF-EOS to GIS Format (HEG) Conversion Tool Reformat, re-project and perform stitching/mosaicing and subsetting operations on HDF-EOS objects L1B2, L2 Stacked-block Various
HDF Data Manipulation Software Applications to open a Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file N/A N/A Various
Unidata software for manipulating or displaying netCDF data References to software packages for manipulating or displaying netCDF data L3 netCDF Various