Better Denver Funds Pay for Needed Improvements at Museum

Posted October 10, 2008

It’s been almost a year since voters approved the Better Denver Campaign. Find out what we’ve done to improve our building and what exciting projects are scheduled in order to make the Museum a better place for you. More…

Museum Treasure: The Jones-Miller Site

Posted October 6, 2008

The Jones-Miller Site near Wray, Colorado is the largest Paleoindian bison kill site in North America. Find out the story behind this rare find at the Museum’s latest exhibit.

Dinosaurs In-Depth Home School Day

Posted October 6, 2008

This open-ended discovery opportunity will help home school students explore the Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries exhibition.


Brain Waves

Posted September 29, 2008

There is a lot going on in people’s heads, all the time.  Find out about the electrical signals – or brain waves – that help the brain communicate with the body.


Mineral Display Wins First Prize

Posted September 29, 2008

Find out who the Museum beat out for the Best Museum trophy at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show.


Dino Days At The Museum!

Posted September 23, 2008

Spend your days off from school exploring the amazing world of dinosaurs at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science!
