Remarks by MCC CEO Ambassador John Danilovich at the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

Los Angeles, California
Thursday, May 1, 2008

As prepared.


Thank you, Carlos, for that kind introduction and for your interest in the Millennium Challenge Corporation, an innovative, different, and demanding U.S. program for development assistance.

As a native Californian, it’s always wonderful to return home.  And, I especially love the diversity and vitality that is Los Angeles.  I know the tremendous innovation that diversity brings to the world of business. Managing a multi-billion portfolio of MCC grants to more than two dozen countries worldwide on five continents, I have a strong sense of what this remarkable Chamber is built upon.  The diversity of your business members—large and small, services and products, domestic and international operations—reflects that of this great city and this extraordinary state.

So, I welcome this unique occasion to speak to the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.  California. as the eighth largest economy in the world, means that businesses like yours are the drivers of such prosperity and growth.  The trade and commerce you facilitate at home and abroad create jobs, push the envelope of innovation and technology, advance best business practices, and provide more and more world citizens with the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the economic life of their communities.  And, the Millennium Challenge Corporation needs you in the pursuit of our mission: to reduce poverty through sustainable economic growth. 

Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere, and together with partner countries worldwide, the Millennium Challenge Corporation is countering this threat by fulfilling the mission Congress tasked us with when they created us in 2004. We recognize, however, that MCC aid alone—or any government aid, for that matter—will not end global poverty.  Real growth is the single most important factor in poverty reduction, and the private sector is the key driver of such growth.

MCC delivers what many call “smart aid” by partnering with countries committed to

Through our approach, we work to empower countries to build their capacity and lead their own development. While this creates an excellent foundation, more is needed.  MCC’s approach to development assistance can only be sustained over the long term if it is coupled with the

of the private sector. What leverages our aid and creates a sustainable development impact in the lives of the poor is combining our investments with those of the private sector, through early and continuing private sector engagement. That’s why MCC’s mission of reducing poverty through economic growth is linked inextricably to private enterprise.

I’d like to explain this link between MCC and private enterprise by

I look to you for your insights, ideas, and involvement.

MCC 101

Since Congress created us in 2004, MCC has partnered with 16 countries in Africa, Central America, Eurasia, and the Pacific to invest in their priorities for development and, as a result, impact the lives of the poor in meaningful and lasting ways. MCC rewards countries

Our approach is predicated on three key principles.

First, we believe policies matter, so MCC funding is performance based. We don’t think it’s too much to ask of countries receiving American taxpayer dollars that they practice good policies, fight corruption, and demonstrate the political will to use our aid effectively.

Second, countries invited to join the MCC program because of good performance are empowered—and expected—to lead their own development. MCC places the responsibility with the recipient country itself to examine its own constraints to poverty reduction and economic growth and to design its own solutions—country-driven solutions to country-determined challenges. 

Third, once their proposals are approved by MCC, we ask countries to take charge of implementing their programs to deliver tangible results. We believe it is essential for countries to take the responsibility for—to buy into—the creation and implementation of their own program.  We say to countries: You can do it for yourself; we’ll give you the money, but you take the responsibility for the success of your own development.  This is not easy.  Capacity is often lacking.  But, MCC is not a handout; rather it is an opportunity.

Employing our model, we have provided $5.5 billion in grants—what we call compacts—to partners worldwide and have signed threshold programs with additional countries to help them move closer to compact-eligibility.  Around the world, MCC partner countries are using these investments to:

Role of Private Sector in Development

While the emerging results on the ground confirm the effectiveness of our development assistance, poverty will not be defeated through aid alone. Private enterprise is the true engine of economic growth, and the only way countries can combat poverty is not to depend exclusively on development assistance but, rather, to use it to promote a growing private sector, in which the poor can fully participate. MCC grants to developing countries are designed to be that gateway to private investment.  

MCC’s goal is to have our aid augmented and eventually replaced by the self-sustaining economic activity driven and spurred from the private sector itself within a partner country. Because we demand performance on indicators evaluating fiscal, monetary, regulatory, and trade factors, including the costs and days required to start a business, we foster conditions to expand trade and commerce, promote local entrepreneurship, attract investment capital, and ignite private enterprise—the true engines of long-term growth.

MCC eligibility and selection send a powerful signal to the private sector that a favorable business environment is being created—one that is conducive for investing and doing business.

That’s the power of MCC.  And, such power is amplified by partnering with the private sector. We continue to explore a number of ways at MCC to more closely partner with the private sector. 

Call to Action

I invite and encourage members of the business community to look closely at MCC investments in our partner countries and explore complementary or parallel investments of their own.  We want the private sector to examine what MCC is doing and take notice of what is happening in our partner countries.  MCC’s significant investments to

create tangible ways for the private sector to grow. 

I also invite foundations and companies with strategic corporate social responsibility initiatives to consider building on MCC programs in countries in which they have an interest.  In conversations we have had with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, for example, we have identified a number of mutual synergies in the fight against poverty.

To fully employ the role of the private sector in global economic growth and development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation will continue to be a bridge between the resources of the private sector and the needs of developing communities.  We all want our efforts

and there is no question that we can achieve the goal of

when we work together rather than when we work separately.
I ask you to join with us in this great effort.

Thank you very much for your interest in the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the private sector’s critical role in the fulfillment of our mission.  I would be happy to take your questions.

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