Restricted Items

The Laboratory is prohibited by its Prime Contract with DOE from purchasing certain items with Government funds. Other items require special internal approvals or safety measures before purchasing them. These items appear on the Restricted Items List and only individuals in LBNL Procurement are authorized to purchase them with adequate justification from the requester. System Contract/B2Bs should not to be used to acquire these items. Please review this list before acquiring any items directly from suppliers.

Procurement Item Categories List


The Procurement Item Categories List has further information on restricted and other items. It shows items which may pose environmental, health, or safety risks and require special notifications/approvals and precautions.


Obtaining Restricted Items


Procurement has asked suppliers to restrict users from obtaining certain items on System Contracts. This is usually because the items may be unallowable under LBNL's Prime Contract, may pose a hazard, or are more economically available elsewhere. The Restricted Items List shows general categories of items restricted from purchase.


Restricted items may often be obtained, by Procurement, with proper justification or authorization.


  • For B2B System Contracts, send a memorandum, vendor fax form, or e-mail to Procurement's System Contract Administration Support, (x6137). The email should state the supplier, catalog number, quantity, LBNL project #, your name, Deliver-to Name and Laboratory Location, and the reason why the item is needed.
  • For non B2B purchases, submit a regular eProcurement requisition.