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    • PLSC for Public Library Data Email Lists
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  •   Home > Statistics and Surveys Main Page > Surveys > PLSC Main Page > PLSC Email Lists


    PLSC State Data Coordinators are automatically subscribed to both the SDC and PLRSNet Email Lists. The volume is low, and it is a quick and effective way to disseminate information and to facilitate discussion.

    To subscribe:
    Send an e-mail message to
    PLRSNet is no longer an open listserv.

    There is also a SDC listserv ( for the data coordinators only (Kim Miller also receives SDC listserv messages). The designated data coordinator for each State and Territory is on this list. Please contact Kim Miller at with any changes to data coordinator status. Kim subscribes members for this list.

      To send a message to all subscribers: E-mail messages to

    PLSC Blog
    The PLSC FAQ blog will be primarily for SDCs to share information about PLSC. The PLSC Steering Committee Chair, Vice Chair and Chairs of the Sub-committees post questions, comments on FSCS matters. Please check periodically for postings.

      FSCS Bookmark for blog (in Microsoft Word®)

    U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
    1800 M Street, NW  -  Suite 350 North Tower  -  Washington, DC 20036
    p: 202-606-9200  -  f: 202-606-9203