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Issue 11374: Content Packages containing a <ruleCondtion> element that reference objectives within a lt;sequencingCollection> element may fail Course Import

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


SCORM Content Packages that include sequencing information where <sequencingRules> reference <objectives> contained in a <seqeuncingCollection> fail to successfully import. In these cases, the Sample Run-Time Environment (RTE) does not correctly recognize the objective IDs contained in the <sequencingCollection> and incorrectly flags the Content Package as non-conformant; failing the import process.

The Sample RTE has been updated to support Content Packages containing a <ruleCondition> element that references an Objective located within a <sequencingCollection> element. Objectives located within the <sequencingCollection> element will now be considered when validating a "referencedObjective" attribute of the <ruleCondition> element when appropriate.

Affected Products:
SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment Version 1.0
SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment Version 1.0.1

Status: Closed

Resolution: Resolved in SCORM 2004 3rd Edition Sample Run-Time Environment Version 1.0.2.

Work Around: Import the affected package by ‘turning off’ validation. When doing this, please take precaution to ensure that the only validation issue pertaining to the package is the referenced objective IDs
Last Revised: 09/02/2008
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