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Neutron Sciences Progress Report
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
April 2007


  • High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) Cycle 408 began on May 13, 2007 and achieved 100% power on May 16.
  • Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) operations will resume June 2007for 3 months – initial user experiments will be carried out during this period.
  • The spring 2007 issue of The Neutron Pulse is available electronically.  Please email neutronusers@ornl.gov if you would like to receive a paper copy.
  • The ORNL Neutron Sciences Directorate initiated a new website, http://neutrons.ornl.gov.  This will integrate the websites for the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Spallation Neutron Source.

Instruments and Users

  • Installation of the supermirror guide for the POWGEN3 powder diffractometer was completed and shielding installation around the guide has begun. 
  • Pre-commissioning work has been completed on the HFIR SANS-1 and SANS-2 instruments. They are ready for commissioning with neutrons.
  • Initial proposals (62) have been submitted to the Integrated Proposal Tracking System for both HFIR and SNS.
  • The VULCAN engineering diffractometer instrument development team met on April 20.  Construction status and potential high-profile experiments were discussed.
  • The construction of the Neutron Spin Echo (BL-15) spectrometer’s hexapods, sample stage, revolver with polarizer, and chopper system are completed. The instrument enclosure with the shielding is currently under construction and will be completed spring 2008. 
  • The new SNS exhibit was completed for display at the American Museum of Science and Energy, Oak Ridge, TN; visit their website for details.
  • Fabrication and assembly was completed of the NRSF2 engineering diffractometer (HB-2b) and accessories as well as preparation for commissioning and performance testing following restart of HFIR.
  • The web-based course for Radiological Worker Training for High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Users was finalized.

Instrument Development Program

  • The Instrument Development Fellowship Program in the ORNL Neutron Sciences Directorate was initiated to nurture a creative development capability in the US in order to help keep the instrumentation at US neutron scattering institutions on the cutting edge and be competitive worldwide. A committee of experienced neutron scattering scientists reviewed these proposals and selected finalists. The finalists were invited to ORNL during February 19-23, 2007 where they met with ORNL scientists and technical specialists and participated in an international neutron scattering instrumentation workshop. During that week, the finalists were individually interviewed by a committee of international experts.  Dr. Thorwald van Vuure has accepted the Fellowship, and is expected to begin his Fellowship tenure at SNS in summer 2007. He will be working on the project “A high-rate, high-efficiency 2D thermal-neutron detector for reflectometry with excellent spatial resolution”. 

Employment Opportunities

  • Post Doctoral Position with ORNL through Oak Ridge Associated Universities: Position ORNL07-17-NSSD Neutron Scattering Postdoctoral Fellowship with the VULCAN Engineering Diffractometer at SNS.  
  • Research Assistant: Molecular & Structural Biochemistry with North Carolina State University and SNS.  To apply for this posting, please visit NCSU's website and search for position 01-57-0706. 


  • The High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) restarted on May 13, 2007.  Following successful completion of power ramp-up testing, full power operations were achieved on Wednesday May 16.  This schedule will start with routine testing and alignment of the instruments with neutrons, and will continue with initial experiments submitted and approved through the new proposal system.
  • SNS operations will begin again in June 2007 for 3 months. 

Future meetings and deadlines of interest to SNS and HFIR users


  Information Contact : neutronscience@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science