Final List of Participating Agencies in Survey


Judicial Branch
Administrative Office of the US Courts
Supreme Court

Legislative Branch
U.S. Congress
Library of Congress

Executive Branch
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Environmental Protection Agency
Executive Office of the President (includes OMB, CIA)
General Services Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
National Aeronautics & Space Administration
National Archives and Records Administration
Smithsonian Institution
Social Security Administration
State Department
Department of Transportation
Treasury Department

Orientation Briefings for Participating Agency Coordinators
Two half-day (9:30AM - 12:30) general orientation briefings for agency coordinators have been scheduled for Thursday, July 23rd and Tuesday, August 4th, to be held at the Richard C. Neustadt Center on the 11th floor of the Benton Foundation, 1634 Eye Street NW, next to the Farragut West metro stop. Coordinators should attend one of these meetings so that NCLIS & GPO can share the details of the survey, respond to questions, and receive suggestions.