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National Geomagnetism Program

On-line Calculations

To run on-line calculations you will need to choose a model (most probably IGRF-2000), and then you will need to enter the desired date and location in the format shown. Clicking on 'Calculate' will provide you with the magnetic field values.

Run On-line calculations.

Note: This page uses a Java(TM) Applet, which requires the Java(TM) Runtime Environment to be installed on your machine in order to run.

The Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment is freely available from SUN at the URL

Steps to install:

  1. Follow the URL above
  2. Click the link titled Download J2SE JRE in the middle of the page
  3. Read and Accept the License Agreement
  4. Choose the correct platform, download, and install the Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
  5. As with all software, if you are unsure contact your System Administrator with questions logo  Take Pride in America button