Explore Air

Headline Archives

  • September 2005

    EPA Publishes Clean Air Visibility Rule

    The Clean Air Act requires older power plants and industrial sources (built between 1962-1977) to install the "best available retrofit technology" (BART) if they cause or contribute to visibility impairment in any Class I area (national parks and wilderness areas)...
  • March 2005

    Clearer Skies Ahead

    On March 10, 2005, EPA issued the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). CAIR will permanently cap emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) from electric-generating stations in the eastern United States...
  • October 2004

    Tropical Storm Cleans Air at Great Smoky Mountains National Park

    In an extraordinary sequence, three tropical storms brought clean, pristine air to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina/Tennessee, in September 2004...
  • June 2004

    Clearer Skies Ahead: Parks will benefit from EPA pollution reduction measures

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is moving forward with several air pollution control programs that will substantially reduce pollution over the next 10-15 years...
  • April 2004

    Ozone Nonattainment Area Designation for Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Shenandoah National Park

    The National Park Service has been following federal and state activities related to the implementation of the new 8-hour ozone standard, including proposed rules by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on various alternatives for designating and classifying nonattainment areas that are violating the ozone standard...
  • January 2004

    EPA proposes the Interstate Air Quality Rule

    EPA is proposing to find that 29 eastern States and the District of Columbia contribute significantly to nonattainment of the national ambient air quality standards for fine particles and/or 8-hour ozone in downwind States...
updated on 06/01/2007  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/hot/archive/index.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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