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June 2008 Themes for Community Outreach

National Safety Month – National Safety Council

Every year, the National Safety Council promotes National Safety Month, an initiative that focuses on heightening awareness of important safety issues. The National Safety Council and its local chapters provide information, education, and training programs focused driving safety, emergency care, and occupational safety. Public and private organizations are also encouraged to sponsor National Safety Month efforts. For more information, visit the NSC National Safety Month website.

Home Safety Month – Home Safety Council

Every year, the Home Safety Council promotes Home Safety Month, an initiative that focuses on heightening awareness to help the public become better informed and better equipped to prevent injuries in the home. According to research some 20 million medical visits were required for treatment of home injuries last year. The Home Safety Council encourages the public to take some simple steps to minimize their risk from potential injuries, or even death, from the leading causes of unintentional home injuries: fires/burns, slips/falls and poisonings. The public is invited to access free information and resources available on, including an online quiz to assess your home safety aptitude and a Home Safety Month checklist to help safeguard your loved ones from home injuries.

June 1, 2008: Hurricane Season Begins

In many areas, serious storms may threaten communities from June through November. With this in mind, reach out to your local meteorologist to partner to distribute Hurricane Preparation Tips. And work with schools in your area to include hurricane education and tracking skills in class. The American Red Cross course Masters of Disaster and the National Fire Protection Association Risk Watch: Natural Disasters websites are excellent resources for school aged children.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) maintains a website of frequently asked questions about hurricanes and cyclones.

You may also promote hurricane awareness by call-in radio shows hosting trivia questions and providing preparedness giveaways for correct answers (battery powered radios and flashlights). Organize Citizen Corps volunteers to go door-to-door in low-income areas to be sure that they are prepared. Be sure to also focus on special needs populations to be sure they are adequately prepared and connected to neighborhood support – especially for evacuations.

June 14, 2008: Flag Day

From Flag Day to Independence Day, the summer is filled with patriotic activities. Use this "patriotic season" as momentum to take American patriotism a step further, and promote your Citizen Corps Council and your initiatives. Working with local businesses, hold a Flag Day rally and celebrate with flag giveaways and Citizen Corps branded promotional items, using this as an opportunity to introduce upcoming Citizen Corps events in the community and to ask your community to "Pledge to prepare, train, volunteer!" Consider having your Mayor issue a proclamation on community preparedness and have community leaders author op-ed pieces in local publications. If schools are still in session, have teachers explain the significance of the flag and its symbolism and emphasize the importance of civic responsibility. More suggestions are listed are in our document "Flag Day / Citizen Corps Day Local Event Suggestions."

June 28-29, 2008: ARRL Field Day

Every fourth full weekend in June, Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) "ham" operators around the country participate in a Field Day exercise to test and develop their skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness and emergency communications. During Field Day, hams test their skills in setting up and operating radio communication equipment where electrical power is limited or unavailable to simulate the conditions that can occur during a hurricane, tornado or other emergency, including man-made disasters. Operators set up radio transmitting and receiving equipment in local parks, at shopping malls, and other community locations using generators, battery, or solar power. This is a great opportunity to promote the good works of ARRL and to underscore the importance of emergency communications for all citizens, including NOAA public alert radios and having battery operated radios in disaster supply kits. To find out more about ARRL operations in your state, contact your ARRL State Section Manager. ARRL also produces a Field Day package to help hams participate.

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