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Found 7 studies with search of:   (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (not yet recruiting) [OVERALL-STATUS] (healthy) [CONDITION] OR (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (recruiting) [OVERALL-STATUS] (healthy) [CONDITION]

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1 Recruiting Drug Interactions and Bioavailability of Cranberry
Conditions: Healthy;   Drug Interactions
Intervention: Drug: Cranberry juice and capsules
2 Recruiting Effects of Different Colors of Light on Human Physiology
Conditions: Healthy;   Circadian Rhythm
Intervention: Device: Monochromatic visible light exposure
3 Recruiting Effects of Garlic Supplements on Drug Metabolism
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: Garlic powder with high allicin content;   Drug: Garlic powder with low allicin content;   Drug: Garlic oil;   Drug: Aged garlic
4 Recruiting Effect of Acupuncture on Human Brain Activity
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Procedure: Manual acupuncture;   Procedure: Electro-acupuncture;   Procedure: Sensory stimulation
5 Recruiting An Assessment of Milk Thistle Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions
Condition: Healthy
6 Recruiting Effect of Gamma Tocopherol Supplementation on Neutrophil Response to 20,000 EU of Clinical Center Reference Endotoxin in Normal Adults
Condition: Healthy
Intervention: Drug: gamma tocopherol
7 Recruiting Effect of EGCG on the Body's Response to Insulin
Conditions: Hypertension;   Obesity;   Type 2 Diabetes;   Insulin Resistance
Intervention: Drug: Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)

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