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Snake Shedding Procedure

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Snake Shedding Procedure

Name: Austin
Status: other
Grade: 6-8
Location: FL
Question: How does a snake shed?
Generally, when the old skin has loosened around the head the snake
will push against a stick, stone, or other object to start peeling
away the skin. The old skin catches on the object and the snake
literally crawls out of it, leaving the old skin turned inside out.

J. Elliott

A snake will grow new scales under their old ones, then the old ones 
will lift up and become loose. The snake will start rubbing their nose 
on a rock or branch and break a hole in the shed. The shed will catch 
on the log/rock and the snake will slither forward, slowly pulling the 
shed off inside out!

Grace Fields

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Last Update: February 2008