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Biology Archive

Temperature and Blood Types


name         Valasi
status       educator
grade        4-5
location     AS

Question -   Aside from having different body temperatures, how are
warm and cold blooded animals differ in their blood type? What makes
their blood types different from each other?
The term "cold-blooded" refers to the fact that the animal controls it's 
blood temperature externally. It also has a metabolism which slows at rest 
and keeps it's body temperature close to ambient air temperature. 
Cold-blooded animals carry their blood supply through their body much the 
same way we do.

Grace Fields
Their blood is not essentially different from other organisms.  All  
organisms that breathe oxygen have hemoglobin as the major part of their  blood.  The 
proteins on the surface of their cells that identify them, ie.  their "ID 
tags" will be different.  The terms "warm blooded" and "cold  blooded" are kind of 
confusing.  Actually, the terms homeothermic (maintain  a constant body 
temperature) and poikilothermic (get their body heat from their  surroundings) is 
more descriptive.  Homeotherms use some of the energy they  get from burning 
food to keep their bodies at the same temperature all the  time.  Poikilotherms 
use the heat from the environment, so they don't need  to eat as often.  There 
are trade offs to both lifestyles.  In the  first, an organism has to eat a 
lot more, but can keep active even when it is  cold.  In the second, they don't 
have to eat as much, but when it gets  cold, their metabolism and their 
nervous systems slow down.

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