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Zoology Archive

Water Health and Swans

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

name         Cindy S.
status       educator
age          30s

Question -   I thought I heard at one time that a pair of swans in a
retention pond
or small lake was a good indicator of the water's health. My memory is a
bit fuzzy on what I heard, but I would like to know if you could direct me
to some research that could be of some use on the subject. I see many
ponds around me in the Chicagoland area and many seem to have a pair of swans.
I am not aware of specific research on this topic though there may be some
out there. However, my observation is that swans, which are often kept in
corporate retention ponds to help deter geese, as well as Canada geese and
mallards, our most common urban waterfowl, are not especially particular
about water quality.

J. Elliott

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