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Zoology Archive

Deterring Bees

Saturday, June 01, 2002

name         Karen A.
status       other
age          40s

Question -   Is there anyway I can deter bees?  They seem to think
that I am their next meal, and have had, on several occasions, have one
follow me for several blocks.  I understand the bees are going to be
rather aggressive this year (I live in Oregon) due to the warm winter we
had, and I really do not want to spend this summer inside.  I was stung
two times last year, and now carry an Epi-pen.  I do not use deodorants,
perfumes, or anything else that smells like a flower, and I try not to
"look" like a flower when I leave the house.  Please help me.  I am
seriously thinking about wearing a bee-keepers suit every time I want to
go outside or to even walk my dogs during the day.  Any help/suggestions
will be greatly appreciated.

Also, great web site.  I bookmarked the archive page, and plan to do some
major exploring--at least it will give me something to do if I DO have to
stay inside!
If you are hyper-allergic to bee stings, taking an epi-pen is a very good
idea. Highly allergic people need to use them AS SOON AS POSSIBLE since
severe reactions can occur in a matter of seconds or minutes and you may not
be able to summon help quickly enough. Even with an epi-pen, if you are
stung you should treat your sting as a life threatening emergency and seek
help or call 911 immediately. The epi-pen is only effective for 20 to 30 min
and is meant solely as a first aid treatment. A bee-keeper hood may make you
feel self-conscious, but it is a good idea. Also put rubber bands around
sleeves and pant legs and wear long socks.
As to why you seem to attract bees, you are on the right track. You need to
keep a log of everything you come in contact with that might attract bees.
List: whatever you come in contact with: foods (especially any fruit),
laundry products (frequently scented), room deodorizers, sodas and/or beer
(bees are attracted by CO2).
There may be bee-repellent products available -- I do not know, but your local
agriculture extension agent or hiking equipment retailer would know about
such things and may know other products that attract bees. Your predicament
is not funny.

Vince Calder

My daughter had the same problem when she was younger.  The yellow jackets
that she was allergic to when stung would follow her around when she was outside.
I placed bee traps all around my house.   See your local hardware or one of
the large warehouse/lumber stores.

Since I know bees and their habits, I determined over time where the yellow jacket nests were and eliminated them.  I do not know the species you are dealing with so I can
not help you, butn there are naturalists and knowledgable people in your area that can help.
Your doctor may be able to help, however, many will not believe you about them following you

It is important to see an allergy physician.  If anyone can, these doctors
should be able to help too.  You need to carry an epipen I suspect.
So many new medications are available that I would not be surprised if there is a treatment.

Good luck

Steve Sample

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