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Zoology Archive

Feeding Wildlife


name         Deirdre R.
status       other
age          30s

Question -   My neighbor leaves table scraps out for the wildlife in
our area,Lake Village, Newton county, IN. I know this cannot be good for
the animals, but I have been unable to find any articles on this point.
She believes she is being kind and although I have told her it was not
good for them she continues to do this, since I have nothing to back this
claim up with. They go on vacation from time to time and as the animals
get dependent on the food they put out, I am worried about the dangers
this can pose to my young children. The area around here rural and
wooded, and there are many different wild animals. Could you please send
me a site or article for this area, to show her the harm and dangers in
continuing this?
Here's an Indiana web site to start

A thorough one from Colorado

A Google search "feeding wildlife" turned up dozens of sites

J. Elliott
There are a number of issues involved with your question.  The main question is
what are the animals involved?  Bears?  alligators?  raccoons?  squirrels?  birds?  
Potentially harmful animals like bears or animals that are known to carry 
rabies, etc. certainly should not be encouraged to identify humans as a food 
provider in a human populated areas.  However, raccoons, squirrels and birds 
are continually provided with food, either by someone actively feeding them or 
by the fact that garbage cans, fast food chains with fries dropped continually 
are easily accessible, makes for another discussion.  Many purists say that we should not
feed even the birds to allow for a stronger species, however, with most species 
(but Man) showing signs of population stress, it is a academic issue as to whether 
feeding some animals is benefical or not.  Is Man so involved with protecting 
himself from disease, etc. that we do not see the whole picture?  Most animals are 
finding food from man in some way anyway, and they know where it comes from, 
we are very odiferous!  What to do?  Your call.

Steve Sample

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