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Zoology Archive

Hawks and Development

name         Derek R.
status       student
age          13

Question -   Behind my house is undeveloped oak/bay woodland that has
been bought by a developer who is going to build 27 homes.  Across the
street is watershed property, so we have a lot of wild plants and
animals.  The developer says he is going to take out a lot of the
trees.  I have seen a mating pair of hawks for the past few years on this
property.  I think they are Cooper's Hawks or sharp shinned
hawks.  (Their call sounds sort of like a seagull.)  Can you tell me how
the development will affect the hawks.  Shoud the developer leave some of
the land open for the hawks to nest and hunt?  Will the hawks leave?  I
am worried about how they will be affected.

It is VERY unlikely that hawks, of any species, will remain in an area with
27 homes, unless the area is very large and the house lots are large,
leaving most of the trees. Cooper's hawks prefer fairly dense woodlands and
are not likely to remain with any sort of development. Displacement of
wildlife is an almost inevitable consequence of commercial or residential
development, or of most human activity for that matter. I am sorry I cannot
be more optimistic but patterns of development is one of our major
environmental concerns
J. Elliott

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