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Zoology Archive

Nesting Burrowing Owls

name         Sherry Lynn
status       student
age          13

Question -   What are the nesting habits of a burrowing owl?
 From The Birder's Handbook, Copyright © 1988 by Paul R. Ehrlich, David S.
Dobkin, and Darryl Wheye

BREEDING: Grassland, prairie, savanna, open areas near human habitation,
especially golf courses, airports. 1 brood. Mating system is monogamous.
DISPLAYS: Courtship: ritual feeding; pair choose nest site, stand atop
burrow, quietly call, neck, and bill, also stretch legs and wings.
NEST: In mammal burrow, occasionally enlarged by kicking dirt backward.
Nest chamber lined with cow chips, horse dung, food debris, dry grass,
weeds, pellets, feathers.  Occasionally unlined.  Perennial.
EGGS: White, nest-stained. 1.2" (31 mm).

J. Elliott

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