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Brainless with a Medula

name         Charlie A.
status       other
age          50s

Question -   There are, I am told, people without brains (above the
medula oblongata(sp?). In each story, the person without a brain is
supposed to be very intelligent. Has there ever been a report of a
sighted 'brainless' person whose optic nerves aren't attached to anything?

This doesn't make sense to me.  The area of the brain where sight is sensed
is in the occipital lobe which is part of the cerebrum ( the "noodle-y" area
above the medulla)  If there is no cerebrum, there is no capacity for
conscious thought, so I'm skeptical about people being intelligent without
it.  Also, if there is no brain, even with functioning optic nerves, there is
no sensation of sight.  So in reality the person would be blind.  People
without cerebrums, but with medullas, are said to be ancephalic, which
literally means "without a brain".  They can breathe, and their heart beats
because these functions are controlled by the medulla but they aren't capable
of conscious thought.


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