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Hair and Females

name         Suhela
status       student
age          17

Question -   Is it normal for girls to have hair on their stomachs?  Is there an effective and inexpensive way to remove body and facial hair?

Hi Suhela!
see, the human species are primates and followed a long trend of evolution before reaching the stage of homo sapiens.
His ancestors were  fully hairy as a protection because they did'nt use clothes. Still now we have hair over our bodies. Some people
have more, some people have less. It depends of many factors,
hormonal, genetic. That condition is no directly related with
health but  if a woman has  really too much hair, maybe a good idea
is to see a medical doctor, a ginecologist. He will know
if it is a case for some hormone prescription.
Some girls are concerned because they have hair, for
exemple over the face, or lips, or arms or tummy...
If someone have aesthetic concerns and want to have the
hair removed there are several ways permanent or not.
Permanent: the hair can be removed by eletrolysis; it takes
some time  and is kind of expensive.
Non-permanent: the hair can be bleached with special
oxidants specially made for this and sold at drugstores;
the hair can be removed with special waxes, it is kind
of painful.
There are nowadays special products (as Nudit) that
"dissolves" the hair, quite inexpensive and sold at
drugstores.Somehow they  "clean"  the hair from the skin.
The non permanent methods are quite allright but must
be done quite often, each week.
Ok? That "problem"  is easily solved, and girls can always
be pretty girls.
And thanks for asking NEWTON!
(Dr. Mabel Rodrigues

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