

Electronic Books from the Gale Virtual Reference Library -- Accessible from DOI Locations Only

Hoh Valley Rain Forest, Olympic National Park, Washington State.
Hoh Valley Rain Forest, Olympic National Park, Washington State.

Web Sites -- Table of Contents



Interesting sources

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  • Environmental History Bibliography 
    For over 50 years the Forest History Society has monitored the world of publishing for items written as history and dealing with the utilization, management, and appreciation of our forest related resources. Their work has been called the world's most comprehensive collection of bibliographic information pertaining to forest and conservation history.
  • Forestry Databases 
    Find bibliographic citations and links to research in four separate databases: Social Sciences in Forestry; Trail Planning, Construction and Maintenance; Tropical Forest Conservation and Development; and Urban Forestry. Produced by the University of Minnesota Forestry Library.
  • Research Natural Areas 
    This site describes 263 established and 55 proposed Research Natural Areas managed by National Forests and Grasslands in 12 western states; information is provided by the USDA Forest Service.
  • U.S. Forest Service History 
    Prepared by the Forest History Society, this site incorporates original documents and photographs, as well as bibliographic references.

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Range management

  • RangeBiome: A Public Rangeland Almanac 
    This is an assemblage of natural resource and environmental links, tools, news, and views for improving the ecological conditions of public rangeland ecosystems.
  • Rangelands West 
    Produced by the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC).

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Endangered species

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Directories of Internet sites on plants, forestry, and range management

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U.S. Government Organizations

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U.S. Department of the Interior

The Interior Library


Last Updated on 07/28/08