Our Products
GAO's best known products include reports, testimonies, correspondence, and legal decisions and opinions, which are available to the press and the public. We also produce special publications to assist Congress and executive branch agencies by recommending corrections to problems in government programs and operations, identifying long-term trends, and raising concerns about the nation's fiscal imbalance.
- Reports & Testimonies
- Legal Decisions, Opinions and Resources
- Comptroller General Presentations
- High-Risk Series
- 21st Century Challenges: Reexamining the Base of the Federal Government
- Our Nation's Fiscal Outlook: The Federal Government's Long-Term Budget Imbalance
Release of GAO Reports
Congressional requesters of GAO reports may hold them up to 30 days after they are delivered, before releasing the reports to the public. We do not control the release of these reports during this period of restriction. Requesters may choose to release a report in various ways. They may, for example, hold a press conference, release it to the House or Senate press galleries or to selected media, or use it as the basis for congressional hearings. Once reports are publicly released, we make every effort to promptly post the full-text files on this site and alert the press to their availability.
Because of this period of restriction, we cannot say with certainty when a particular report will be publicly available.
To be notified as soon as something is released:
- Public Access to GAO Records (FOIA)