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NSSDC ID: 1971-058A


SOLRAD 10, a spin-stabilized satellite, was one of the SOLRAD series designed to provide continuous coverage of wavelength and intensity changes in solar radiation in the UV, soft, and hard X-ray regions. SOLRAD 10 also mapped the celestial sphere using a high-sensitivity X-ray detector. The spacecraft was a 12-sided cylinder that measured 76 cm in diameter and 58 cm in height. Four symmetrically placed 17.8-by 53.3-cm solar cell panels, hinged at the central section of the structure, served as the elements of a turnstile antenna system. Eighteen solar sensors were mounted pointing parallel to the spin axis of the satellite, which pointed directly at the solar disk. The plane of rotation shifted about 1 deg/day so that a stellar detector mounted to point radially outward from the axis scanned the celestial sphere. Data from all detectors were stored in a 54-kbs core memory and telemetered on command to the NRL tracking station at Blossom Point, MD. Data were also transmitted in real time at 137.710 MHz. For additional information, see Naval Res. Review, v. 25, p. 1, 1971.

Alternate Names

  • Explorer 44
  • SE-C
  • 05317

Facts in Brief

Launch Date: 1971-07-08
Launch Vehicle: Scout
Launch Site: Wallops Island, United States
Mass: 260.0 kg

Funding Agencies

  • NASA-Office of Space Science (United States)
  • Department of Defense-Department of the Navy (United States)


  • Solar Physics

Additional Information

Experiments on SOLRAD 10

Data collections from SOLRAD 10

Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Dr. H. Kent Hills.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Mr. John R. Holtz Program Manager NASA Headquarters  
Capt Ernest W. Peterkin Project Manager US Naval Research Laboratory  
Mr. Robert W. Kreplin Project Scientist US Naval Research Laboratory
Dr. J. David Bohlin Program Scientist NASA Headquarters  
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