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Explorer 15

NSSDC ID: 1962-059A


Explorer 15 was a spin-stabilized, solar-cell-powered spacecraft instrumented to study the artificial radiation belt produced by the Starfish high-altitude nuclear burst of July 1962. The backup payload for Explorer 14 was modified and used for Explorer 15. The instrumentation included three sets of particle detectors to study both electrons and protons, and a two-axis fluxgate magnetometer to determine magnetic aspect. A 16-channel PFM/PM time-division multiplexed telemeter was used. The time required to sample the 16 channels (one frame period) was 0.323 s. Half of the channels were used to convey eight-level digital information, and the others were used for analog information. During ground processing of the telemetered data, the analog information was digitized with an accuracy of 1/100th of full scale. One analog channel was subcommutated in a pattern 16 frames long and was used to telemeter spacecraft temperatures, power system voltages, currents, etc. A digital solar aspect sensor measured the spin period and phase, digitized to 0.041 s, and the angle between the spin axis and the sun direction to about 3-deg intervals. During launch the spacecraft failed to despin. The spin rate ranged from 72.9 to 73.2 rpm during the life of the spacecraft. The spin axis pointed at right ascension 80.97 deg and declination 20.9 deg.

Alternate Names

  • EPE-C
  • S 3B
  • 00445

Facts in Brief

Launch Date: 1962-10-27
Launch Vehicle: Thor-Delta
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral, United States
Mass: 44.4 kg

Funding Agency

  • NASA-Office of Space Science Applications (United States)


  • Space Physics

Additional Information

Experiments on Explorer 15

Data collections from Explorer 15

Questions or comments about this spacecraft can be directed to: Dr. John F. Cooper.



Name Role Original Affiliation E-mail
Dr. John W. Townsend Project Manager NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  
Dr. Wilmot N. Hess Project Scientist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  
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