Breaux Act Newsflash - REMINDER upcoming free teacher workshop for Thibodeaux's Treasure July 14, 2006

Thibodeaux's Treasure Educational CD and More....Reminder

The Barataria - Terrebonne National Estuary Program and Coastal Wetlands
Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) is partnering with the
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to announce its free summer
wetland teacher training workshops for educators who teach grades K - 4.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is also offering
stipends to teachers who participate in the training. K - 4 teachers can
learn more about Louisiana wetlands through these interactive "Coastal
Curricula Workshops"

Teachers will receive information and instruction on Louisiana's wetlands
during this one-day workshop. Lessons and activities are aligned with GLES
and can be incorporated into the current curricula. These workshops will
help teachers learn what teachers and students can do to help Louisiana

The CD was produced by the he Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and
Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Public Outreach Committee and the US Geological
Survey (USGS) in conjunction with the Barataria Terrebonne National
Estuary Program (BTNEP), America's WETLAND Campaign, and the National Park
Service (NPS) -Jean Lafitte Historical Park and Preserve and additional
funding from the Gulf of Mexico Program.

Each teacher will receive:

NEW Thibodeaux's Treasure - Louisiana Wetlands Educational CD for students

in grades K - 4

REVISED Explore Coastal Louisiana with Boudreaux and Marie Educational CD

NEW Wild Plants of Our Wetlands - Teacher Lessons Plan Book

Salt Marsh Habitat of the Barataria - Terrebonne Estuary - 30 copies per


NEW Mapping Activities and Lessons

NEW Hurricane Preparedness Lessons

5 Videos:
Haunted Waters, Fragile Lands - Oh, What Tales to Tell!
Estuary Live! Louisiana
Vanishing Wetlands, Vanishing Future
America's Vanishing Treasure
Rescuing the Treasure
Wonders of Wetlands Book

The confirmed dates and locations for these one - day workshops are:

July 14 - Shreveport Region 4 Service Center Lafayette -1405 W. Pinhook,
Suite 112

Return registration form to: or fax to 985.447.0870

Additional funding provided by EPA Gulf of Mexico Program.

For additional wetland educational information & events, please visit
Louisiana Wetland Education Coalition & sign up on LaWEC's listserv at:

[Edited 2006-07-12 -webmaster]