Social, Economic, and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group(SEW CG)

(Updated June 2008)


The SEW CG coordinates the activities of the Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Program Component Area (PCA).

The activities funded under the SEW PCA focus on the co-evolution of IT and social and economic systems as well as the interactions between people and IT devices and capabilities; the workforce development needs arising from the growing demand for workers who are highly skilled in information technology; and the role of innovative IT applications in education and training. SEW also supports efforts to speed the transfer of networking and IT R&D results to the policymaking and IT user communities at all levels in government and the private sector. A key goal of SEW research and dissemination activities is to enable individuals and society to better understand and anticipate the uses and consequences of IT, so that this knowledge can inform policymaking, IT designs, the IT user community, and to broaden participation in IT education and careers.

Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: The Collaborative Expedition Workshops

The SEW CG seeks to provide a bridge between the networking and IT R&D community and the larger arena of government policymakers and IT implementers. SEW's partnership with GSA and the Federal Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council supports the Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series. Now in their seventh year, these monthly open workshops encourage collaboration among government and community implementers of IT and demonstrate promising IT capabilities emerging from Federal research. NSF often co-sponsors these events and invites researchers to give talks on SEW-related topics in order to bridge gaps between research and policy. The focus is on emerging technologies for applications in such areas as emergency preparedness and response, environmental protection, public health and health care systems, government information services for citizens, and agency projects under the Administration's Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and E-government initiatives. Workshop emphases for 2008 include:

Accomplishments of Expedition Workshops

Impacts of the highly successful Expedition Workshop series include:

For a listing of forthcoming Collaborative Expedition Workshops and the complete archive of the series, please visit: