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Other Universes

Saturday, April 20, 2002

name         Nancy
status       student
age          14

Question -   Muchas personas dicen que solo existe un universo ya que
es lo que compone todo lo que existe pero yo me e preguntado si ¿existe
otro universo ademas del de nosotros?me gustaria saber,pero lo que quiero
saber ¿si es posible o no?,no quiero llevar una contradiccion,ademas me
gustaria saber sobre los ovnis y los estraterrestres ya que es algo que
me llama mucha la atencion,tengo 14 años y toda la vida e querido esa
ingormacion ustedes me ayudarian mucho,
Many people say that only one universe exists since it constitutes
everything that does exist.  But I have asked myself, is there another
universe besides ours. I would like to know if it is possible Or not?
Note:She also wants to know about UFO's and extraterrestrials, but this does
need to be addressed unless you wish to..
Hi Nancy!

You ask a  interesting question that can be answered  under different
If one says that anything that exists must be observable in same way,
then there is just one Universe that is this one we live in, since  is the
only one observable.
By other hand  today there are some very complicated scientific  theories
that accept  and even justify the existence of different universes. These
so called  "universes"  would be very  different from ours and would obey
at laws also very different.
But speaking of our own one it is very big indeed  and  surely crowded with
planets similar to our Earth. Even none evidency was ever found one can
Speculate over the possibility of ETs and UFOs. But scientifically there
are no proof of  the existence of these things or "people".
Ola Nancy
Te voy a responder en Portugues que es muy semejante al Espanol..

A sua pergunta e muito interessante...  Se se afirmar que tudo que existe deve ser
observavel de alguma forma, então o nosso Universo é unico porque é o unico
observavel.  Por outro lado, existem hoje em dia algumas teorias cientificas
muito complicadas que aceitam e mesmo justificam a existencia de diferentes
universos. Esses "universos" , se existirem seriam muito diferentes do
nosso e obedeceriam   a leis tambem muito diferentes.
Falando do nosso proprio Universo éle e muito grande  e certamente repleto
de planetas semelhantes a nossa propria Terra. Mesmo que nenhuma evidencia
tenha sido encontrada pode-se especular sobre a existencia de ETs e de
Porem cientificamente, não ha  prova da existencia desses objetos
ou "pessoas".
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(Dr. Mabel Rodrigues)

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