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Cosmic Ruminations

Question:  OK, OK, I'm a layman.  I've been reading in Scientific American about new
theories on the conditions and origins of the universe.  Some things might l
Lead one to believe that not only are there multiple universes, but that
they might be interconnected.  In fact, in the Mandelbrot set, all Man-
delbrot numbers are connected - whether that has any bearing or not, I
don't know, but I've been wondering if perhaps gravity from other
universes might be haveing an effect on ours.  The effect would be limited,
I think by phase variance, the way that electromagnetic waves interact.
Could our universe be _intertwined_ with another?  From our point of view,
it might _look_ like a balloon being blown up by God, but maybe from a
superdimensional point of view it looks more like the froth that forms
at the crest of a breaking wave.
howard e miller 

Answer:  WOW! someone's actually been *reading*!
I think the answer to your question is: "yes".
Cosmology is enough to boggle anybody's mind, and when you start
including multiple universes, anything becomes possible. However,
I have found that when it comes to living your life, it is much
easier to assume that this is the only reality, that we cannot "beam"
into an alternate universe, that we cannot use "magic" to control
this reality, that the world we woke up to this morning is pretty
much the same as the one we left last night..
Sorry. This is getting outside our topic. NEWTON doesn't have a
section for philosophy and metaphysics. Maybe we should start one!

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