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Astronomy Archive

A Map of Mars

Question:  Does anyone have a map of Mars?  If you do, please mail me about it.
I mean E-Mail.
Does Mars have any similarities with Earth?  I mean I watched this show
and they showed that that face they found on Mars is the same as the
Sphinx in it true?  Are we the extinct Marsians?  Is there
any Scientific explanation?  Is this true?  I saw it on a show called
"Ancient Mysteries".  Did anyone else see it?  Please help me!
eisenhower j high

Answer:  There are some maps of mars that have been pieced together from
shots taken by various probes.  A reference librarian or nasa spacelink
here on newton could get you info.  The show Ancient Mysteries is
very unauthentic.  There is not any evidence that there is now or
ever was life on Mars.  The face on Mars is not apparent in any of
the close photos.  This kind of inaccurate programming is worse than
lying.  We are the results of millions of years of evolution from
little single celled animals  that adapted to earth.  There is very
little evidence that even our ancestors, those original cells, could
have come from anywhere else.  Mars is not likely.
samuel p bowen

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