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Is time real or invented?

Question:  One more quick (thoroughly dense) question:  Scientists, and
Physicists of all types claim that time exists. Exist, meaning that there is a
"phyical" factor called time, and that it plays an integral
part in the happenings within the universe.  BUT, do you think that
time is actually a "real force" (i.e. "Actual phenomena") or that
we simply invented time to put a reference on the passage of events?
I know this question is dense, but try to understand it.  Thanks.
wildman jackson

Answer:  Another good question for a different section: Physics.
Time appears in equations just like position does --
time is a coordinate system.  Do x, y, and z "exist"?
It's all relative, as Albert would say.
john (e-mail hawley)

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