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Defining supernova

Author:     lohn  and  burbank school
What is a supernova?

Response #:  1 of 2
Author:      hawley
Fusion occurs deep within a star and results in tremendous amounts of
radiation.  The rest of the star is kept from collapsing by the resulting
radiation pressure.  The fusion stops when all the fusible elements have
been used up, then the star collapses in on itself due to its own gravity. 
Actually there is still some fusible elements left:  that is what causes the
huge explosion when the star collapses.  It all also depends on the original
mass of the star.  Some supernovas leave behind a neutron star, pulsar, or
maybe a black hole.

Response #:  2 of 2
Author:      samuel p bowen
It is the result of an exploding star, especially on that has possibly
collapsed and then exploded because it got to too high a pressure.  It is
now believed that the heavier elements are created in the pressures of an
exploding supernova, that is, this is thought to be the only place this
happens .  This is one reason that gold is fairly rare.  

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