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Last updated on 2008-09-09 14:09:09
Introducing: FHP.OSD.MIL formerly DeploymentLINK!

WHEN did this happen?

Thursday, 19 April 2007

WHY did this happen?

  1. We¿re branding FHP.OSD.MIL as the official gateway to all Force Health Protection & Readiness information.
  2. We¿re reorganizing the current and various subject related sites to make it easier for Web users, especially Service members and their families, Health Care Planners and Providers, and DoD Leaders, to find the information they need.

WHAT has happened?

The current DeploymentLINK site and various subject related sites have been replaced with FHP.OSD.MIL site.

FHP.OSD.MIL brings all Force Health Protection & Readiness related information found on and other subject related sites under one umbrella.

FHP.OSD.MIL consists of six capability areas:

  • Quality Assurance & Customer Support. Provides customer focus, Force Health Protection & Readiness quality assurance and strategic support for the FHP&R Office, collaborating with Veterans Affairs and National Military and Veterans Service Organizations.
  • Deployment Technologies & Support Programs. Supports research and development of systems that electronically document medical treatment in-theater.
  • Force Readiness & Health Assurance. Develops policies and programs that optimize and protect the health and safety of DoD personnel during all phases of deployment. In response to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2005, DoD posted its health assessment policies, procedures and documents on the DeploymentLINK Web site, now found at
  • Health Sciences & Force Optimization. Develops policy for, and oversees health research and clinical investigations conducted under, the Defense Health Program; the Component Clinical Investigation Programs; Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program; and the USD (P&R) Human Research Protection Program.
  • Global Civil-Military Medicine. Focuses on Force Health Protection on a global and civil level, including national disaster preparation and planning, pandemic influenza, coalition and non-beneficiary health benefits and international medicine.
  • Operational Medicine & Medical Force Readiness. Develops the ability to maintain medical readiness and project the continuum of health care resources required to provide for the health of the force.

And the reorganized areas from DeploymentLINK

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • FHP&R A-Z Health Topics
  • Operations & Exercises
  • Resources & Links
  • About Us
  • Acronyms
  • What¿s New Section
  • Calendar

Finally, FHP.OSD.MIL has a distinct look and feel that is reflected on many of the subject related sites. is the official Web site of Force Health Protection & Readiness Policy & Programs
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